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PROGRAMME ITU - UNESCO IITE Forum on Child Online Protection for the CIS Region, 27 October 2020

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​27 October 2020, Tuesday  ​​(UTC+3 time zone)
09:30 Virtual meeting room opens
10:00-10:10 Opening remarks:
Session 1. Global activities on child online protection

Key objective of the session is regional presentation of the new ITU Guidelines of Child Online Protection launched in 2020.  
Key questions to be discussed: 
- Why the COP Guidelines are of utmost importance in the current Covid-impacted digital world?  
- What are the global challenges and measures to be implemented to protect children?  
- How to empower children? What is the ITU-UNICEF GIGA Initiative value and proposition in this respect? Why GIGA? 
- How international organizations are engaging with different stakeholders at the global, regional or national levels to raise awareness, build capacity and make impact? 

Moderator: Mr. Marco Obiso, Chief, Digital Network and Society Department, ITU

Keynote speaker:

​Panel discussion: 
  • Mr. Anjan Bose, UNICEF child protection specialist 
  • Mr. Tigran Yepoyan, Senior Project Officer for HIV, Chief of Unit, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education 
  • ​​Ms. Carla Licciardello, Inter-Sectoral Activities Coordinato​r, ITU 
  • Ms. Serena Tommasino, Safe Online Knowledge and Advocacy Specialist, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children 
11:15-11:30 Coffee​ break
Session 2. Regional perspective and country experiences: policy and industry recommendations

Session will present experiences of communication administrations, enterprises of ICT sector, and international organizations in the field of COP. The session discussion will focuse on the new ITU Guidelines on Child Online Protection for Policy Makers and Industry. The invited speakers representing communication administrations and the industry will present their work in the field of child online protection, of the significance of right regulatory measures, current practice, industry projects and programmes aimed at education of children. Also, the participants will discuss implementation of the ITU COP Guidelines at regional and country level.

Moderator: Ms. Natalia Mochu,Regional ​Director, Regional Office for CIS Region, ITU

Panel discussion: 
  • Ms. Ays​el Hadiyeva, Senior Advisor, International Cooperation and Coordination Unit, Cyber Security Service, Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Republic of Azerbaijan; Vice-Chair, ITU Council Working Group on Child Online Protection 
  • Mr. Yuri Kiselev, Depyty Head of Department, Roskomnadzor, Russian Federation​
  • Mr. Mikalai Bulash, Head of the commercial department, Mobile TeleSystems JLLC, Republic of Belarus [Presentation​]
  • Mr. Sergey Plugotarenko, Director, Russian Association on Electronic Communications, Russian Federation ​[Presentation​]
  • Mr. Andrey Vorobiev, Director, CCTLD .RU/.РФ, Russian Federation
13:00-13:15​ Coffee break
Session 3. Regional perspective and country experiences: recommendations for parents, educators and children

This is a joint session with the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE). The discussion will focus on the regulatory, organizational and procedural frameworks for ensuring the online information security of children. Special attention will be given to the implementation of the new ITU COP Guidelines addressed to parents, educators, and children. The session will also present updated Online Safety Course developed by the ITU in cooperation with the A.S.Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications as part of the Regional Initiative 2 for the CIS. ​

Moderator: Ms. Natalia Amelina, Chief of Unit, UNESCO IITE

Presentations: ​​
  • "On the safety of a school kid on the Internet ", Denis Zavarzin, General Director, ANO "Center for the Study and Network Monitoring of the Youth Environment", Russian Federation 
  • Online Safety Course​ -​ Mr. Vadim Kaptur, Vice-Rector on Scientific Work, A.S.Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecom, Ukraine [Presentation​]

Panel discussion:
  • Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation
  • Ms. Lyudmila Bokova, Director a.i., Federal  Institute for Digital Transformation in Education, Russian Federation  
  • Mr. Urvan Parfentyev, Safer Internet Centre, Russian Federation 
  • Ms. Elvira Zhenish kyzy​, Deputy ​​Director, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Ms. Janat Djabassova, Head, International Cooperation and Project Implementation Centre, Kostanay Engineering and Economics University n.a. M.Dulatov, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Mr. Vadim Kaptur, Vice-Rector on Scientific Work, A.S.Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecom, Ukraine 
14:45-15:00​ Closing remarks: 
  • Ms. Natalia Mochu, Regional Director, Regional Office for CIS Region, ITU
  • Ms. Natalia Amelina, Chief of Unit, UNESCO IITE​
